
Nikhil Sekar - Designer and Digital Media Artist

My love for design began when I was 6 years old. My mother has been working with and teaching visually challenged youth since 1999. I have thus grown up seeing how different people perceive the world, especially with regard to the visual medium. My fascination for the visual medium thus stems from this crucial childhood introduction. In addition, I am fascinated by the remarkable fecundity it holds, regardless of the manner in which it is experienced. I chose design, at a young age, to unlock the potential of the visual medium. I am committed to exploring thoroughly the numerous possibilities it has to offer.

Nikhil is currently based out of Mumbai, India.

Nikhil has studied & worked in Toronto, Canada.

He's spent a year living in & traveling across USA & Canada.

He tries ardently to represent his life through visuals every single day. To that end, he has undertaken a different visual project every month for the past 68 months running. He collaborates with people from all across the world, and invites them to join him with their own additions to each of his open collaboration projects. He has received over 2400 additions/collaborations for his monthly visual projects thus far.
