Janus, the Roman God of beginnings and transitions, gives January it’s name.
As the door closes on the previous year, a brand new one opens up this year. Janus is often depicted as having two heads. Of the two heads, one looks back at the past, while the other looks towards the future. This becomes a good metaphor for what’s to come.
I have seen in my daily life, that we need to strike a balance. It leaves us with a choice between going off the beaten path to carve out our own niche and being mindful to not go completely astray. We are shackled by this need to find the delicate equilibrium between conformity & uniqueness. There’s an innate push and pull in the workings of society, the everyday functions of machines, the days and nights of nature, the light and dark of hope. But among everything there is a ‘balance’ in some moments of time.
All through the month of January 2016, I’m trying to capture images that highlight the underlying emotions of the moment… Images that depict the duality of those pockets of time that we experience in our dreams and while we are awake.
I’m trying to find balance in my images – A ‘Yin’ for a ‘Yang’, an ‘up’ for a ‘down’, an ‘in’ for an ‘out’, a ‘light’ for a ‘dark’.
This January I’m trying to shed those shackles of self-doubt and let my creativity come forth.
This January, I’m trying to find a balanced version of myself.
If you are up for a challenge, feel free to join along and add to this series with your images that creatively convey a ‘duality’ in any form. It is open to your interpretation, so anything is welcome! Thank you and I hope you have a great year ahead.
Check out more from this project on my instagram page including entries to this project and interpretations of this project by other artists